2021 Conference – Thank You!

Brave New Road: The Role of Technology in Achieving Safe and Just Transport Systems

Co-sponsored by the University of South Carolina School of Law

Thank you for attending part of our 2021 Law and Mobility Conference!

A Second Round of Conference Events Is Being Scheduled for May, with Events and Speakers to be Announced 

If you haven’t already, Register Here to receive streaming links and updates on all future Conference Events!

If you’d like to join our listserv for general updates from the Program, sign up below. You can also follow us on Twitter @futuristlaw for up-to-the-minute information our events, blog posts, and new articles from the Journal of Law and Mobility.

If this event has inspired you, consider submitting a blog post or article to the Journal. Details on submission requirements can be found here.

We hope you’ll join us again soon!

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