
The Journal of Law and Mobility is a peer-reviewed, online-only journal published by the University of Michigan Law School. The Journal focuses on the intersection of law and mobility, broadly construed to include topics such as connected and automated vehicles, space law, drones, micro-mobility, and more. We accept submissions year-round. 


The Journal accepts submissions of  scholarly Articles of up to 25,000 words, including footnotes, and is committed to an interdisciplinary approach. Submissions are welcome from legal academics, practitioners, doctoral students, and industry experts.

The Journal also publishes short, persuasive Essays of 800 to 2,000 words by industry leaders, academics, and professionals.

Occasionally, the Journal publishes White Papers by leading law firms, industry groups, and think tanks. 

Editorial Policy

All Article and White Paper submissions are peer-reviewed by our board of mobility experts, with support from our staff and editorial work by student researchers. Final publications appear on our website and in all major databases. We adhere to the standards set by The Bluebook and the Chicago Manual of Style.

Submissions can be sent to: 

Submissions may also be uploaded
via Scholastica