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Who Gets to Operate on Herbie? Right to Repair Legislation in the Context of Automated Vehicles
You bought it, you own it, but do you have the right to repair it? As right-to-repair remains a hot topic in the context of consumer electronics such as smartphones, one must consider the ramifications it may have for the automated vehicle (“AV”) industry. As the backdrop for one of the first legislative victories for right-to-repair, the automobile industry has continued to push for the expansion of right-to-repair to cover increased access to telematics and exceptions to proprietary software controls. However, as we revisit the issue for more highly connected and automated vehicles, it is important to assess the unique considerations of the AV sector before we can transpose previously learned lessons into a new, nearly unpredictable context. As such, this article examines a possible framework that addresses the technical and privacy concerns that uniquely arise when applying right-to-repair legislation to AVs. By attempting to predict on how previously learned lessons may influence action going forward, this article hopes to influence the right-to-repair discourse that will arise between manufacturers, consumers, and independent repair technicians for AVs.Turtle Shuttles, Inching Their Way Forward To Commercial Deployment
Up to now, the way forward for roadways-based, commercial automated mobility remained somewhat of a mystery. Surely, we would not see AVs in the hand of individual owners anytime soon – too expensive. “Robotaxi” fleets commanded by the likes of Uber and Lyft seemed the most plausible option. There was,…Divergence in Capabilities, Distracted Driving, and Derelict Governance
The California DMV recently released several 2019 reports from companies piloting self-driving vehicles in California. Under state law, all companies actively testing autonomous vehicles on California public roads must disclose the number of miles driven and how often human drivers were required to retake control from the autonomous vehicle.Federal Government Releases Tepid Automated Vehicles 4.0
In January of this year, the United States Department of Transportation and the National Science & Technology Council released Automated Vehicles 4.0: Ensuring American Leadership in Automated Vehicles Technologies (“AV 4.0”). The report is intended to act as a set of unifying principles across 38 federal departments, agencies, commissions,…Delivery Drones Within the U.S. and an FAA Proposal That Could Make it That Much Easier
There is no doubt that unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), i.e. drone aircraft or drones, are an increasingly popular and strangely normal aspect of our everyday lives in 2020. And how could they not be? When there is a product that can appeal to pretty much any and every one…Coronavirus is Affecting More than Just Physical Health
The past few weeks have shown the intricate connection that access to transportation has with human health and the global economy. The outbreak of Coronavirus in Wuhan China, leading to mass international transportation restrictions, is a case study in the effects that transportation has on our daily lives and on…Uniform Law Commission — Making Someone Other than the Driver Responsible
As I wrote about last time, the Uniform Law Commission recently passed the Uniform Automated Operation of Vehicles Act. Today, I want to focus on Sections 5, 6, and 7 of that Act, which are titled, respectively, “Vehicle Registration,” “Automated-Driving Provider,” and “Associated Automated Vehicle.” The three sections…FAA and Boeing for the First Time in a Long Time Not Blasted in Recent Committee Report
On Thursday, January 16, 2020, the Official Report of the Special Committee to review the Federal Aviation Administration’s Aircraft Certification Process was released, and it seems like quite a few people – i.e. very vocal critics of Boeing and the FAA – are not likely to be pleased…You Have Heard of the Uniform Commercial Code — Here Comes the Uniform Automated Operation of Vehicles Act
The Uniform Law Commission (“ULC”) is a non-governmental body composed of state-selected lawyers who oversee the preparation of “Uniform Laws” to be proposed to the states for adoption. The group’s most well-known body of law will be familiar to any lawyer or law student who paid attention in first-year…Tesla’s Settlement with the State of Michigan
Tesla and the State of Michigan have settled Tesla’s constitutional challenge to Michigan’s refusal to grant Tesla’s request for a Class A license, which would have allowed Tesla to open a company-owned dealership in the state. The lawsuit, which was filed in federal court in the Western District of Michigan in…